READ: ARxWP to change name to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy Aug. 1, 2024

July 10, 2024

AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy (ARxWP)  will be changing their name to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy for their central specialty pharmacies (ARxWP), community-based specialty pharmacies and Walgreens Mail Service for Home Delivery, effective Aug. 1, 2024. The latest updates include updated disclaimers, details on website and email domain changes and progress on updated materials.


Updated July 16, 2024, 12:00 p.m. CT

AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy (ARxWP) has provided the following updated disclaimers that should be used following their rebranding on Aug. 1, 2024.

Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy

Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy is contracted to provide specialty pharmacy services to members of <Plan Name>.


Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy is contracted to provide specialty pharmacy services to members of your health plan.

Walgreens Mail Service for Home Delivery

Walgreens Mail Service is contracted to provide mail pharmacy services to members of <Plan Name>.


Walgreens Mail Service is contracted to provide mail pharmacy services to members of your health plan.


Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy is accredited by several national pharmacy accreditation services.

Walgreens Mail Service is accredited by URAC and NABP.

Updated July 10, 2024, 10:00 a.m. CT

As previously communicated, AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy (ARxWP) is changing their name to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy for their central specialty pharmacies (ARxWP), community-based specialty pharmacies and Walgreens Mail Service for Home Delivery effective Aug. 1, 2024. Due to the name change, ARxWP is also updating their website experience, as well as email domains. See below for the latest updates. 

ARxWP website changes  

Beginning Aug. 1, 2024, two website experiences will be available:  

Members can continue to utilize their existing username and password to login. If a member accesses the former website,, the member is presented with an option to choose either Mail Order or Specialty and will be redirected to the appropriate website. The former website is active through the end of this year. 

ARxWP email domains 

 All email addresses will change to 

  • The email addresses will all remain active in the background as a secondary email address indefinitely.  
  • This means any emails sent to an email address after August 1 will automatically route to the to ensure no emails are missed. After August 1, ARxWP employees will have a message within their email signatures that will highlight the new contact information to utilize.  

ARxWP phone numbers and addresses  

ARxWP is not changing their phone numbers or addresses.  

Prime Therapeutics/Magellan Rx (Prime/MRx) updates to this change 

Prime/MRx is taking appropriate action internally/externally to ensure ARxWP references are replaced with Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy or Walgreens Mail Service where applicable.  

The following updates apply only to [legacy Prime] health plan market clients:

MyPrime updates 

The current ARxWP website, is available on MyPrime.  

  • The web links are scheduled to be updated October 1. This website is still active through the end of 2024 as noted above. 

The following updates will be completed August 1: 

  • The ARxWP name will be replaced with Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy or Walgreens Mail Service where applicable. 
  • The ARxWP logo will be replaced with the new Walgreens logo where applicable. 

Contact center 

Unity, Prime Resolution and other applicable internal documents will be updated August 1, to reflect the new names. Prior to August 1, an agent alert communication will be provided.  

ARxWP Mail Order registration forms 

The new standard forms will be posted to MyPrime. Please be aware of the following: 

  • We are working with ARxWP to obtain a final copy of the registration forms.  
  • We plan to post the updated Mail Order registration forms by September 30. 
  • If a copy of the Mail Order registration form is needed for your health plan website, please reach out to your account team representative.  

ARxWP brochures for Mail Order and Specialty 

We are targeting September 30 to rebrand and post brochures to MyPrime as applicable. If a copy of the Mail Order and/or Specialty brochure is needed for your health plan website or printing needs, please reach out to your account team representative.  

Client Specific Information (CSI) documents 

The proposed changes will be presented for approval for clients that have selected ARxWP as part of their Mail Order and/or Specialty offerings. 

Medicare pharmacy directories updates 

  • Prime/MRx receives pharmacy change information from the National Council for prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) DataQ weekly. 
  • ARxWP is submitting the Walgreens name change to DataQ on August 1. 
  • Prime is dependent on the DataQ updates, which could take 5 business days after submission. 
  • Medicare clients will not see the individual pharmacies’ name changes appear in August data for the September Medicare Pharmacy Directory publication. 
  • Prime will also be updating the Mail Order and Specialty Sections of Medicare Pharmacy Directories. Timing of the updated sections with the new names is still being finalized. 

Clients are responsible for making the necessary name changes to their materials or websites on, and not before, Aug. 1, 2024. 

If you have questions, please contact your Prime/Magellan Rx client account team representative

Updated May 22, 2024, 8:00 a.m. CT

For your awareness, AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy (ARxWP) has provided copies of the communications included in the member prescription package through Aug. 2024. The materials alert members of ARxWP’s upcoming name change to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and Walgreens Mail Service.

The following member letters will be included in all specialty and home delivery orders from ARxWP through Aug. 2024:

Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy member insert

Walgreens Mail Service member insert

There is no action required for clients regarding these member communications.

Updated May 8, 2024, 9:00 a.m. CT

In an effort to bring their specialty pharmacies under one umbrella, AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy (ARxWP) recently announced they will be changing their name to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, effective Aug. 1, 2024. The new name will cover all of ARxWP and Walgreens community-based specialty pharmacies.  

ARxWP home delivery will be called Walgreens Mail Service, also effective Aug. 1, 2024. 

For more details on the name change, including information on member communication and web access to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, please reference this frequently asked questions (FAQ) document provided by ARxWP. 

Prime/MRx is working internally to ensure all business areas make the Walgreens specialty pharmacy name updates on internal and client facing documentation. 

Action required 

If ARxWP is currently in your networks, please be aware of the following actions you may need to take:  

  • Specialty and Home delivery pharmacy web pages, forms or other materials referencing ARxWP should reflect the new name on Aug. 1, 2024, including updating logos. 

Clients are responsible for making the necessary name changes to their materials or websites on, and not before, Aug. 1, 2024.

If you have questions, please contact your Prime/Magellan Rx client account team representative.