Client news

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READ: 4 ways to safely dispose of unused or expired medications

Jessica Johnson, clinical consultant at Prime/Magellan Rx’s special investigations unit, shares how to help lower the risk of drug misuse. Read the full publication.

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READ: Featured Drug Insights: August 2024

Your source for all Prime/Magellan Rx’s August 2024 Drug Insights publications.

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READ: Prime/Magellan Rx featured at Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC)

Panelists discussed management of Medicaid pharmacy spend and maximizing technology to support state efforts. Read the full recap.

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READ: JUDI® Client News

Your source for JUDI client communications, FAQs and more.

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LEGACY PRIME CLIENTS: To access additional Prime/Magellan Rx client resources, view the Prime Client Portal. If you don't have access to the portal, contact your IT administrator to request access.