Health Plans

READ: Prime Therapeutics announces new Pharmacy Match technology-driven solution expands specialty pharmacy access and choice


Prime Therapeutics (Prime) is excited to announce Pharmacy Match, a new technology-enabled solution that routes specialty prescriptions to the best pharmacy based on a set of custom-configured rules, including access, clinical services and dynamic market pricing.

This new offering will be available for use by select commercial employer groups subject to ERISA on Jan. 1, 2025. Pharmacy Match uses a cloud-based platform to help ensure members’ specialty medications are provided by the specialty pharmacy that is best suited to meet their needs. Pharmacy Match is the first component of Prime’s next-generation specialty care model, now trademarked as Advocate+™.

Overview and features

  • Pharmacy Match will expand the network of participating pharmacies to leverage the unique purchasing arrangement of each pharmacy on an individual drug level.
  • Pharmacy Match is designed to drive competition through an expanded specialty pharmacy network to help lower drug costs for plan sponsors.
  • For members starting specialty medications after Pharmacy Match is live, Prime/MRx will contact the member directly to notify them of next steps. Additionally, the best-fit pharmacy will reach out to the member and will follow a standard onboarding process.

Please review the following press release, which was released on June 19, announcing the new solution.

For questions, or to learn more about Pharmacy Match, please reach out to your account team representative.

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