TOP$: The Optimal PDL Solution - Prime Therapeutics
Get TOP$ support
We administer the TOP$ multistate Medicaid pharmaceutical purchasing pool, helping states save big.
Significant savings through strategic collaboration
Prime Therapeutics manages preferred drug lists for 7 state Medicaid programs. By pooling resources and coordinating purchasing efforts, we can help state customers improve clinical and financial performance. Partner with our experts to achieve the best outcomes for your state and patients.
Supplemental rebate offer form
Submit your supplemental rebate offers using this form.
Product review lists
Request for offers
Request for offers email attachment
View the formal communication sent out on Jan 10, 2025.
P&T Committee (agenda, member list, and public testimony guidelines)
Idaho Medicaid Pharmacy Program (including the current PDL and prior authorization criteria)
Preferred Drug List (Effective 1/1/2025)
P&T Meeting
- May 1st, 2025 at 9:00am Eastern Time (US and Canada), virtual (Zoom Webinar)
- In order to attend the meeting, you must register for the webinar: Here
P&T Meeting Public Testimony Request Form
- In order to speak at the meeting, the Public Testimony Registration Form must be submitted to request testimony time at the upcoming P&T meeting.
- Registration for Public Testimony Begins: March 5th
- Registration for Public Testimony Ends: April 16th 5:00pm EDT
*Please note that Public Testimony spot(s) is/are not guaranteed even after registering due to random selection and availability. Please refer to the “Guidelines for Public Testimony” published here.
This program is administered by Provider Synergies, LLC